War of the Films: A Comparative Analysis of World War II Propaganda Film


  • Benjamin Howard


Propaganda has existed for much of human history, but during World War II and the advent of mass media, it became much more prevalent. Because of this, the war became not just a war fought with men and weapons, but with words and ideas. This research paper was written to dissect and compare these ideas by analyzing both German and American propaganda. This paper highlights the similarities and differences between both canons of films and how the depictions of ideals and people within them fit within the context and reality of the war and the world. For research, films from both countries were viewed and analyzed and supportive material about the motivations and goals of the creators, including executive orders, reference materials, and laws, were used. Further research can be conducted by including more films from more countries and other periods. Ultimately, future research can help provide a way to identify and combat propaganda and false information.





